
Monday, April 05, 2010

spring to summer.

I always have a bit of difficulty in the spring time -- and for once, I'm actually not referring to the allergy induced disneyland-teacups dizziness I experience each year. (sidenote: if I ever need to write an acceptance speech or a thank you list for the back of a cd cover, I have a feeling "Claritin" is going to be thrown somewhere in there.)

My difficulty lies in getting dressed.

I know, it's so exciting! it's getting warmer! the days are lasting longer! buds! on the trees! and bunnies! and other stereotypical spring time things!

But I always feel a bit lost, thinking, "63? what does that mean? Do I wear a coat? Should I take the boots off? Do I need sunscreen? Is that hot?" Yes, I stand outside and try to figure it out, but I stand in the shade, layer on the clothing, and by the end of my walk, in the sun, I'm thinking I really need to start the habit of carrying around a travel size deodorant.

So - I've learned there's a couple spring-time clothing necessities. Once I learned this, I've been much happier, less congested, I can breathe better -- oh hang on, I think I might be talking about the effects of Claritin now.

Anyway, here we go:

Cardigans. My advice, collect 'em like beanie babies. Short sleeve, 3/4 sleeve, long sleeve -- you'll thank me. They take a sleeveless dress from march through the 4th of july. Perfect for the cooler evenings. And so many to choose from.

I definitely recommend a bit of a fancy one, for those work days and dressy days, like blouse's my darling vintage cardigan but also make sure you stock up on some cute, more casual options, for those farmer market and errand running days, like blouse's fishes in the sea vintage cardigan.

Oh, so vital. What makes it perfect? It should be lighter than your wool coat, at least a little dependable in the rain and incredibly stylish. Not that hard to find, right?

If you're having a rough time finding one -- you could take a peek at blouse's spring time perfect jacket. We can vouch it's light and dependable -- and well, you can see for yourself in the pics, super stylish. We love the trench style, superb navy color and great fit.

Cardigans. The perfect jacket. Ok, if everything goes right - your life should be easier now.

And if not, have I recommended Claritin yet?

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